Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Social Embrace.

`The Social Embrace`
People who look into & critize sexwork usually are the eyes of viewers, a judges, and naives!
Granted when you look at the big area of prostitution, you cannot fail to see the pain and the suffering that can come in this underworld of stigma and poverty.
In any profession there is a degree of pain and suffering, some more apparent than others.
When we watch famous actors/actresses on the silver screen, we watch the illusion of success. The few we have elected for reverement hid the mass of strugglers; who`s lives are lonely, humiliating and hanging onto the thread of hope.
This is a fact of life, nomatter how impalitable it appears to others.
It is survival, the struggle for another meal, acknowledgement and purpose.
Thus prostitution is so affected.
The difference being is that prostitution has been `tainted`, `stigmatized` by religion, politics and morals.
The action of historical stigmatization is a major contribution to the isolation and fear of prostitutes. The male fear of feminine power.
Humanity is the collectivity of human beings. Whether you agree to the existence of prostitution is irrelevant. They, I, have always been here and always will. We have a right to our position in humanity as any other human being. Whether you understand that human being is your journey, not theirs. The rest is moral judgement of others.
prostitution is an `honest` relationship. It does not hid behind `small print` that can be a part of most other relationships between man and woman.
`Every` relationship is based on `need` whether we accept this or not. There is a human condition in our need for survival.
To assume and attach disease and `lack` in the motherhood department of femal prostitutes adds to existing `fear of contamination`, dumped on the doorstep of prostitution.
There are more STD`s and abortions amongst non-prostitutes. Though surveys are never done to support or favour prostitution. There is a fear in protecting our mothers, daughters and wives. Its a form of control and an assumption that women cannot be controllers of their own sexuality. That they can have `informed and free choice`, in their sexual adventures or preferences.
Sex is the action of procreation or gratifacation. It is an inevitable trait of all life.
Love is the bonding and nurturing of emotions that can surround any relationship we choose.
One can and does exist without the other. Occasionally they come together. Something most of us work towards or aspire to.
Though lets not confuse them!
Nobody is `cut out` for any profession. We find our course with what tools we have in life, gain experiences and utilize them in order to survive.
Some can get social acknowledgement and respect in doing so.
Not so, prostitutes!
Attitudes and fears keep them from the safety and social embrace others experience.
prostitutes are the social outlaws of humanity.
Society turns its back because it cannot control the images we so revere in our vision of what woman `should` represent.
Shame on your back, it is turned!
How could you be so heartless and unintelligent in your condemnation of women who are professional prostitutes?
At least the clients show their token of respect and value in acknowledging the worth of the lesson.
Much as people leave their `tokens` or payment for other help, beit at church, or in any other profession that helps or advises.

Lynne Tansey,
Writer/artist/human rights advocate.

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