Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Prostitutes are outlaws!

`Prostitutes are Outlaws who control the channels between Nature & Culture` (Camille Paglia).
In social terms they absorb all the excess semen created by mankind; being both the depiction of various feminine archetypes & the `cleaners` of unwanted seeds.
They are not bound by the sexual fears & conventions of civilisation & are there for the `birth` of sexual fantasy, as well as receptacles & disposers of millions of life forms that mankind does not need.
They deal in birth-life & death on a daily basis; not only in the physical form but also the psychological, sexual & spiritual form.
In psychology terms they are the intermediaries between the shadow, the anima & the ego or manna of mankind. They dance in & out of dark inner shadows, allowing access to mans vulnerable, ignored & imbalanced `other` companion, his feminine. The very thing that is predominant in his birth is the female Mother-his life consists of his search for identity, he looks for purity within his virgin & his death is nurtured by those who’s reality of death do not deter them- the wise-ones, the crones.
The archetypes of the virgin-mother-crone do not necessarily follow in that order, they interweave & compliment each other, when & where is needed.
The ego level within us is our sense of identity, it is `I`.
The manna is where our wisdom lies, it can be as healing as it can be destructive when it clashes with the ego-centric part of our personalities. It is where our man meets the Wise Old Man, or our woman meets the Great Mother.
To be possessed or overwhelmed by the force & identity of the Wise Old man or the great Mother can lead to `manic ` behaviour.
Men who succumb to the Wise Old man become self-descriptive guru’s or have super-human figures with perceived visions or insights that they feel may change the world. We see many examples of this constantly, either throughout history or as a fact now.
Women who embrace the Great Mother until She engulfs her sense of being, sees herself as being able to nurture or protect the world. This world may only stretch to one side of the house to the other side. They care & nurture as though their life depended upon them & sacrifice their very `selves` in the process. We again see many examples of this around us, especially now in society, as women search for their own sense of identity.
They are like great symbolic breast, heaving with milk, ready to feed their young, their partners or anyone they feel is in need. In sacrificing themselves, their very keenness for life is subdues & inertia becomes the seat for companionship.
Feminism has grown with the milk of the great Mother & from the hunger of the animus (male within). Yet women still demand further sacrifice, are still pushing the extremes for its freedom of expression after the social chains of repression. Man has its religious & historical martyrs like Jesus, sacrificed for the sake of mankind...women have yet to have theirs.
So the emotional & sexual sacrifices that women make daily are still seeking the ultimate acknowledgement, redemption & rebirth.
Some women enact this scenario & temporarily release themselves from the drama within.
In more extreme cases this can be by volunteering themselves freely to symbolise the feminine force within & when they can afford the services that provide such an expression, they do so. Usually these are women who have a deal of responsibility & power in their conscious lives.
A cross may be used or some similar restrainers. Where they offer their bodies up to suffering &/or blood letting/piercing.
The piercing is the symbol of transgression from one stage to another-from virgin to women, or maybe even a symbolic way to release the blood or inner life force that has grown stale or stagnant.
metaphorical energies that need release. Inner turmoil’s that can pollute have their own channels & have a need to express in one form or another.
I believe self-harming is another form of this phenomenon.
Women are the `bleeders` of humanity, the excess in women is blood.
In men its semen.
The sacrifice in men to their anima (inner female) is submission. The more you submit the closer towards the fear of women they are prepared to go. The further they are prepared to go, the more of their senses they have to have removed, as they commit themselves to their `Mother`.
They are blindfolded to remove visual interruptions, which take up a good 60% of our senses. They are gagged against their own verbal protestations of fear & are bound in latex, rubber or leather. These materials are embryonic memories of the birth-sac. The `child` then lies safely in its floating world bound within its membrane within this warm & safe environment of the Mother.
The world can be so demanding, insecure & fearful that the pressure both sexually, physically, psychologically & spiritually is overwhelming & the Mother calls him back for release of his earthly burdens & responsibilities. He is as much afraid as he is attracted. She calls him & is likened to the Sirens, tempting him to plunge to the depths of the Ocean (feminine) in order to find the treasures that may free his earthy commitments & choices. His personal journey to understand his conscious link’s to his shadows, his anima, ego & ultimately to his `Self`, begins.
Seeking oneness with the Self` for either men or women will only come through the individual journeys that help us to face our fears, in the Shadow lands there are emotional rubbish-tips or even valid burial grounds for emotional & indigestible experiences, but not all rubbish tips should be unearthed. Some emotions are recycled by natural process, others refuse to change form & return back into the conscious or into the lack of acknowledgement of the anima/animus existence.
Only through this process can men & women find their natural order & respect with each others positions.
As women explore these repressed boundaries & exalt in their new found masculine identities within, expressing their right to equality & gender balance, they too can be as guilty as men for total identification with their own needs & desires & in doing so, castigate & de-value the roles of women who are prostitutes in society, becoming themselves engulfed by the manna of the Great Mother in the disguise of the warrior.
It is imperative that women from all walks of life, from all cultures & creeds identify with each other despite personal choices; whether they are stay at home mothers, wives, sisters, religious, atheist, pagan, politicians, actresses, shop-workers, business women or sex workers.
Despite their choices or roles in life, they are ALL expressions of the feminine nature. To hold one back is to discontinue the wholeness of woman herself. Not one is higher, nor lower than the other. The reasons for this division & any demeaning of another’s, are subject to a multitude of social/gender expectations, as well as family/cultural or religious conditioning.
This we should remember when we consider our views. Remember where our prejudices originate & the implications of this to the overall picture of feminine unity.
Without unity & acceptance of the many roles women offer, how can we ever hope to succeed in the rights for gender equality, if we ourselves as women cannot at least agree to mutual respect of the choices & roles we make?
And humanity collectively, how can we also expect equal status when we create victim status, because we disagree with the perceived morals or ethics of others?
Patriarchy collected the feminine together, boxed them off into controllable roles. They identified the wives & mothers into male controlled households & family roles. The rest who refused to conform were castigated into outlaws & identified as being immoral, thus surrounded with stigma’s. The division of good girl & bad girl began its journey into the human conscious. Taboo’s holding them apart like deep & dangerous rivers. So the scene was set for male control bound together with the heads of families, the business world of commerce, the spiritual guidance of religions, the intelligence of sciences, the armies of soldiers & officers, the disposable strength of the masses, all these on the whole were male domains. Fortresses of civilisations, impregnated by the nurture & creation from women, then surrounded by deep rivers of stigma & taboo....with women who do not fall into any of these accepted categories, flung to the far shores of these kingdoms. The Outlaws in the wilderness.
All male domains & still are.
Though in recent years women have more & more pushed aside these boundaries. Due mainly to the brave & forceful actions of many women with their both male & female supporters have made their mark in history.
Feminism itself made huge inroads & we should never forget the contribution they have made to freer expression for women & equal rights; but this too has run its course to levels of extremism & is much to blame now in this radical form to women’s feeling still isolated from both gender, political, or cultural identity.
Prostitutes are still used as the whipping posts for sexual politics & are seen by some as being instruments for the continuation of Patriarchy. So much so, they even state that sexworkers do `not know` their oppression. This kind of statement rolls away any human rights to personal/business/sexual views or statements that sezxworkers may offer to either society or politics which may empower them in any way, or gain them any form of acceptance or respectability for their lives.
A bible statement comes to mind here: `forgive him/her for he/she knows not what he/she does`.
Setting therefore these radical feminists in a position of `higher authority`.
Many of whom have never even been involved in the sex industry at all.
Though what is equality?
This word equality needs to be further defined & rationalised.
Yes, women should have the right to vote & have equal income for the relative work at hand, as well as many other reasonable & rational expectations of quality of life.
The word equality though is banded about at every opportunity for a million unreasonable & irrelevant demands. It has become a cliché word. Like many other thoughtless spewing. As a bottom-line statement of belief I am going to stick my neck out & say women are never going to be equal to men & visa versa.
Though I have said before there is an element of `other` sex in all of us, to expect men to become as women & the reverse for women, is to gravely discredit, disrespect & dishonour the contributions & gender essences of each other. When women hot the business world with impact back in the 60`s & 70`s, they began to don the masculine mask & wore fashions like suits & padded shoulders `power dressing`, with forceful \& aggressive agenda’s thinking they had to be `like` men in order to succeed in the mans world. yet constantly faced frustration at still having a limit of promotion & success. Even now the percentage of power & wealth in the world of business/politics is still overwhelmingly male, yet at the same time the power & wealth of women, in all its definitions, is still unrecognised & an overlooked fact of life.......women themselves still run away from it & seek the male essence, instead of themselves praising & honouring their own. If women cannot see the part they play in the whole infra-structure of humanity, what chance do men have of recognising & acknowledging the anima (feminine within men) themselves? The `Mother` within women is a basic primal factor which cannot be taken away, because it is ours. There are women who for varying reasons cannot or choose not to utilise the physical Mother attributes (child-bearing). This does not though take away the fundamental drive to nurture in one way or another. This Mother nature is expressed in a multitude of ways, but basically it is all `creative` in its force. If this is repressed or confused it can have the tendency to flip on its negative side. At the same time though we can thank the feminine Mother nature for creation itself...for continue `birthing` of all that is nature. Though in all this power & wealth of natures abundance there was prior & after that another’s valued for its own masculine essence as the feminine...that’s where true equality begins & there is an equal contribution. The dangers & struggles a sperm has to make to be successful is the essence of male involves massive competition, perils & dangers that `founds the fundamental nature of man`. The female creates the environment & reception for the heroic sperm winner...the egg has no competition, `she `reigns supreme, whilst her desperate & exhausted admirers fight the battle in the race for her honours, this `founds the fundamental nature of women`. When these two forces `accept` each other equally-that’s when creation begins!...& remember creation itself is `the beginning` & a move in the right direction. The egg does not try to become the sperm, nor visa versa...but the sperm pierces & is enveloped/swallowed by the egg...(I am asking you to use these thoughts as analogies to how men & women behave)....In sexual intercourse-the male organ pierces (again) & is consumed (again) everytime a man has sex with a women he is seeking `The mother/feminine)...he meets the same power that consumes him then releases him-the same force that bore him....this becomes his struggle for identity....(there is because of his primal struggle always an element of search & destroy in men...hence the ever present rape potential). So when women take the equality reins..they can use it positively to identify true areas of imbalance or negatively to limit their own respect of their inner animus (male within women) & therefore metaphorically symbolise their frustration in all that is masculine beating it unmercilessly to the ground with what they see as gender misdemeanours into a more agreeable & pliable form....adjusting men, as we feel we have been adjusted by men...see what I mean? The power of women is still latent, still waiting for its revealed are still waiting for that time...this wait & confusion. Could` be the bones of much misogyny. Misogyny is a deep & desperate subject which deserves closer scrutiny, as does the female is I believe the basis of much sexual offending against women: The loss of the Mother The disrespect of the Mother Distain of the Mother & accumulated fear of the Mother. Women too have their own inner struggles with their animus (male within)..but this can come in the form of many stereo-types..whereas with men it is only ever one stereo-type (Mother). The male aggression-lust are energising factors in culture. They are men’s tools of survival in the pagan vastness of female nature....Male chase & Female flight maybe one of Natures fundamental organic laws
Lynne Tansey

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